How To Ensure You Get The Most Out Of Your Electrical Contractor
As an experienced electrical company in Calgary, AB, Growler Electrical Automation Ltd. has the skills and tools to deliver excellent electrical installation and servicing solutions. Moreover, we’ve learned the value of quality services and believe in providing electrical solutions that are safe, consistent, and clean.
However, not all electrical contractors share these sentiments when taking on a wiring project, equipment servicing task, or smoke detector installation. If you are looking for an electrical contractor, you want to make sure that you get the most out of the services you are paying for. To help you determine if you are receiving quality services, we have explained a few aspects to look for when hiring an electrician for the following electrical jobs.
1. Electrical wiring and device installation
When you hire an electrician to install new wiring and devices in your home or office, make sure to check the:
a. Receptacles, fixtures, and cabling
b. Condition of items and Code Compliance items
c. Method of installation, type of product used, and their condition
To ensure that you receive quality and safe services, remember to check if your electrical contractor is trade certified, licensed, and insured to carry out electrical installations. At the same time, conduct reference checks before you hire a contractor. You can ask the electrician if they have applied for a permit, if the work has been inspected, and if all equipment and materials being used are approved for the type of installation and application you require. Their answers will help you gauge the quality of their work and ethics.
If the quality of their work is low, you will notice improper or loose connections or poorly fit electricals. If you feel that your wiring and fixtures don’t look right, question your electrician and expect a clear response.
2. Replacement and servicing of older equipment
When getting older electrical equipment serviced or replaced, ensure that they are fitted correctly by checking. If you experience continuous issues with the way your electrical equipment functions, the installation and servicing may not have been done correctly. Another aspect to consider when checking the quality of electrical work is to see if it is safe. To ensure your electricals are installed correctly, make sure other major appliances are switched off when testing your serviced or replaced electricals.
To determine if your electrical contractor can efficiently replace or service older electrical equipment, ensure you hire a licensed and insured specialist with lots of experience to diagnose and replace items. Also, remember to go through their reviews online or ask friends for feedback on the services of these professionals. Ask them if the replacement items are of equal quality or better. At the same time, don’t assume that they have done an excellent job, make sure you check.
3. Smoke detector installations
When getting smoke detectors installed in your home or commercial space, make it a point to check the expiry dates on these devices. If the expiry date is not listed or the age is unknown, request your electrician not to use them. Fire safety is crucial to avoid loss of life and property. As a result, besides checking the specifics of your smoke detectors, ensure that you also enlist a licensed contractor. They need to thoroughly test the operation of the smoke detector in front of you and show you how to check the sensors routinely. They should also be able to advise you about the right type of sensors for your space before purchasing smoke detectors for your property.
After installation, if the sensors do not function properly, your smoke detector may be inefficient for your space. To avoid this, be sure to ask your electrician which sensors meet current code requirements given the dimensions of your property.
For an honest and reliable residential and commercial electrician in Calgary, AB, reach out to Growler Electrical Automation Ltd. We are licensed and insured electricians with a vision to offer you simple and efficient electrical solutions. We are well-versed with commercial HVAC control systems, commercial and residential electrical projects, and commercial and home automation systems, and we focus on delivering quality irrespective of the job we undertake.
To learn more about our services, please click here or get in touch with us by clicking here!